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how using django-filebrowser at apache?

hi all: I have a quirky question about django-filebrowser,

my project at /home/q/django/myapp, I save the django-filebrowser at /home/q/django/myapp/filebrowser .



everything is look like the tutorials http://code.google.com/p/django-filebrowser/wiki/installationbasic .

but it's not work.when I saved the django-filebrowser to django's directory:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/.... it's work fine.

so,if I want modify some settings,I need change the filebrowser.settings.py at the django root directory(/usr/local/lib/...),not my project directory(/home/q/django/myapp/filebrowser)

I think its not advisable.someone could get me any advice? &_& THKS

my os:ubuntu 10.04
django version :1.24
python version:2.6(own system)
web server:apache+mod_python

You can modify all the settings, including those of django-filebrowser, in myapp.settings . The settings.py in filebrowser are the default values used if you don't specify them in your own settings. This is a widely used pattern for 3rd party django apps to define default values for settings.

If you look at filebrowser.settings , you'll see this line almost at the top:

from django.conf import settings

That line imports Django's settings module, which contains Django's default settings, overridden by the settings you defined in myapp.settings .

Further down in filebrowser.settings , there are lines like

DIRECTORY = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY", 'uploads/')

This assigns the value myapp.settings.FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY to DIRECTORY , or, if you haven't defined that setting, the default value 'uploads/' .

BTW: I would avoid mod_python like the plague. It's unsupported, unmaintained and generally a pain. There's a much better alternative: mod_wsgi

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