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XPath expression with condition on multiple ancestors

The application I am developing receives an XML structure similar to following:

        <Child name="Child1" />
            <Child name="Child2" />
                <Child name="Child3"/>
                <Child name="Child4"/>
            <Child name="Child5" />
                <Child name="Child19" />
                <Child name="Child6" />
                    <Child name="Child20" />
        <Child name="Child7" />
            <Child name="Child8" />
                <Child name="Child9"/>
                <Child name="Child10"/>
            <Child name="Child11" />
                <Child name="Child12" />

I need to get a list of of Child elements under following conditions:

  1. Child is n generation descendant of Valid ancestor.
  2. Child may be m generation descendant of Container ancestor which is o generation descendant of Valid ancestor.
  3. Valid ancestors for Child element are Container elements as m generation ancestors and Valid element as first generation ancestor.

where m, n, o are natural numbers.

I need to write following XPath expressions


as a single XPath expression.

For provided example, the XPath expression would return only Child elements having name attribute equal to Child1 , Child2 , Child3 and Child4 .

The closest I have come to solution is following expression.

Valid/Child | Valid//*[self::Container]/Child

However, this would select Child element with name attribute equal to Child19 and Child20 .

Does XPath syntax supports either optional occurrence of an element or setting condition similar to self in previous example to all ancestors between Child and Valid elements?

Use :


When this XPath expression is evaluated on the provided XML document:

        <Child name="Child1" />
            <Child name="Child2" />
                <Child name="Child3"/>
                <Child name="Child4"/>
            <Child name="Child5" />
                <Child name="Child19" />
                <Child name="Child6" />
                    <Child name="Child20" />
        <Child name="Child7" />
            <Child name="Child8" />
                <Child name="Child9"/>
                <Child name="Child10"/>
            <Child name="Child11" />
                <Child name="Child12" />

Exactly the wanted nodes are selected:

<Child name="Child1"/>
<Child name="Child2"/>
<Child name="Child3"/>
<Child name="Child4"/>

Explanation :

The expression:


means :

From all Child elements in the document, select only those, for which the first ancestor that is not a Container is Valid .

          = count(ancestor::*[ancestor::Valid])]



Returns all Child nodes that are descendants of Valid nodes.


Returns the number of Container tags that are ancestors of the current node ( Child ) and themselves have an ancestor called Valid


Returns the number of all tags that are ancestors of the current node ( Child ) and themselves have an ancestor called Valid

Therefore two values are only equal if all tags between Valid and Child are called Container .

However, this expression assumes that there won't be any nested Valid tags, ie /Valid/Valid/Child will not be accepted by it.

Update: Looking at your xml one more time, wouldn't this be easier?


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