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Scroll an Image horizontal and vertical

I know this question has been asked before, but I couldn't get an answer for my issue. I have a large image, and I would like to display it with it's full sizes (in fact its a custom map image). I know that the image can be scrolled by swiping the finger, but my question is if there is a way to implement a vertical / horizontal scrollview for this. I would like to be able to use the scrollview features (swiping the finger an the image is scrolling by itself). Using a HorizontalScrollView inside a ScrollView didn't work either. The horizontal scroll bar appears only sometimes, and there is no way you can scroll in both directions. Any help is appreciated.

Thanls a lot,


I've just answerd that question here Images in ScrollView in android

However it does not do scrolling by itself, that would need more programming.

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