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Flex selectedItem problems

I have encountered somthing a little strange in flex, possibly somthing im doing wrong but im not sure.

In two cases which i have noticed, when there is only 1 item in as:List or s:DropDownList for some reason when using list.selectedItem it appears as null. Using requireSelection="true" i know this isnt the case.

Has anyone else seen anything similar? or am i doing it completly wrong? Thanks Jon

Edit: In the code bellow it happens when clicking the edit document, which calls the open edit method

------------ Added Code ---------------------------

I have removed small portions to make it more readable

<s:TitleWindow width="486" height="300" title="Document Store"
        <s:CallResponder id="getAllAttachedDocumentsResult"/>
        <tmsbean:TMSBean id="tMSBean" showBusyCursor="true"/>
        <s:CallResponder id="removeDocumentLinkResult" result="getDocumentList()"/>

        private static var documentStoreView:DocumentStoreView = null;
        private var attachedToMenomic:String;

        public static function getInstance():DocumentStoreView
            if(documentStoreView == null){
                documentStoreView = new DocumentStoreView();
            return documentStoreView;

        public function open(menomic:String,parent:DisplayObject):void
            attachedToMenomic = menomic;
            y = y - 80;

        public function close():void

        private function getDocumentList(evt:DocumentFormEvent = null):void
            getAllAttachedDocumentsResult.token = tMSBean.getAllAttachedDocuments(attachedToMenomic);

        private function openEdit():void{
            var editDsi:DocumentStoreItem = documentList.selectedItem as DocumentStoreItem;


<s:VGroup left="10" top="10" right="10" bottom="10">
    <s:List width="100%"  height="100%" id="documentList" itemRenderer="com.documentStore.DocumentItemListRenderer" 
            dataProvider="{Utilitys.toArrayCollection(getAllAttachedDocumentsResult.token.result)}" />
    <s:HGroup horizontalAlign="right" width="100%">
        <s:Button label="Attach Document" click="{DocumentForm.getInstance().open(attachedToMenomic,this)}"/>
        <s:Button label="Edit Document" click="openEdit()"/>

By default Spark's DropDownList displays a prompt if selectedIndex is -1, which will be the case if requireSelection is false and you have not otherwise set the list to a specific item. This would correspond with selectedItem being null.

The Spark ComboBox does something similar but it has a TextInput as you can type into it.

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