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PHP/WSDL/SOAP: Error passing parameters

I'm using a local WSDL to make service calls. I'm fine passing/retrieving data when one parameter is expected by the service method(s), but when the method expects 2 or more parameters it errors out. Ironically, when I attempt to pass 2 or more parameters it says that it only expects 1. The method establishIdentity expects 2 parameters (processId=string & identityAttributes = object made up of the properties found in the code below.) I've include the errors for passing 1 and 2 parameters.


$client = new SoapClient('C:\wsdl\BenefitDeterminationProcess_BenefitDialogueServiceSOAP.wsdl', array('trace' => 1));

$procID = (array)$client->start(array("prefix"=>""));

$newStringID = implode(null, $procID); //

$exchange = $client->exchangeOptions($procID);

$identityAttributes = new IdentityAttributes();
$identityAttributes->ssn = 41441414;
$identityAttributes->firstName = 'John2';
$identityAttributes->lastName = 'Doe2';
$identityAttributes->gender = 'MALE';
$identityAttributes->birthDate = NULL;    

echo "TYPE: ".gettype($newStringID);
echo "NS: ".$newStringID;

$identity = $client->establishIdentity($newStringID); //LINE 33 

//$identity = $client->establishIdentity($newStringID, $identityAttributes); OR LINE 33//establishIdentity expects 2 parameters (processId = string, identityAttributes = object)

$end = $client->stop($procID);

Error when passing 1 parameter:

TYPE: stringNS: 223205

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers in C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php:33 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->_ doRequest(' _call('establishIdenti...', Array) #2 C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php(33): SoapClient->establishIdentity('223205')> > #3 {main} thrown in C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php on line 33

Error when passing 2 parameters:

TYPE: stringNS: 237506

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Server] javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: com.ibm.websphere.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: An error occurred while parsing native data: The error message is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched parameter count: expecting 1 items, but got more.. Caused By: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched parameter count: expecting 1 items, but got more.: caused by: An error occurred while parsing native data: The error message is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched parameter count: expecting 1 items, but got more.. Caused By: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched parameter count: expecting 1 items, but got more. in C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php:33 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call('establishIdenti...', Array) #1 C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php(33): SoapClient->establishIdentity('237506', Object(IdentityAttributes)) #2 {main} thrown in C:\\wamp\\www\\SugarCE\\testSOAPShawn.php on line 33

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answered: Since the WSDL contained a complexType, I needed to pass one parameter which contained both the processId and identityAttributes. Here is my PHP code:

$identityAttributes = new IdentityAttributes();
$identityAttributes->ssn = 41441414;
$identityAttributes->firstName = 'John2';
$identityAttributes->lastName = 'Doe2';
$identityAttributes->gender = 'MALE';
$identityAttributes->birthDate = NULL;

$temp = new stdClass();
$temp->processId = $newStringID;
$temp->identityAttributes = $identityAttributes;

echo "TYPE: ".gettype($newStringID);
echo "NS: ".$newStringID;

$identity = $client->establishIdentity($temp);


$end = $client->stop($procID);

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