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Ruby on Rails grabbing Yahoo contacts on “Contacts” gem

I installed "contacts" gem on my local machine, wrote some code to get yahoo, gmail and hotmail contacts, and it was running smoothly. I moved the code to a server for testing, my gmail and hotmail contacts were still running, but Yahoo gave me the following error:

Contacts::AuthenticationError: Username and password do not match

I am sure that email and password are correct. I tried my code on another server the behavior was the same ...

Any hints?

This is because Yahoo contacts uses Oauth, not BBauth: https://github.com/mislav/contacts/issues/4

The turingstudio version of the gem is more up to date and it seems to support Yahoo Oauth .

Install it using bundler:

gem "turing-contacts", :git => "git://github.com/turingstudio/contacts.git"

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