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Logging in to my site opens a new tab?

I've been working on my personal website as of late, and even thought it's not a big problem because I'm the only one that sees it, it's annoying nonetheless.

Whenever I go to my login page, it all works fine. If I enter a bad username/password, it will just print a simple text message error(intended). But, if I login correctly, then instead of redirecting to the root of my website as I intend, it will instead create a new tab in firefox and from there it will be in / (which is correct). The problem is why does it create a new tab? I didn't even think forms were capable of such a thing:

My full login page is at http://lastyearswishes.com/login The gist of it is:

<form method="post" target="/login">
    Username: <input type="text" name="username" /> <br />
    Password: <input type="password" name="password" /> <br />
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" />

And my server side code is also very simple:

    //logged in correctly
    Response.Redirect("/"); //just go to the root of my site
    Write("You fail at life");

« target="/login" » means "open in window named « /login »". If it doesn't exist, a new one is opened. I think you meant to use

<form method="post" action="/login">

HTML Form Element

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