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php login script

I am trying to develop a online software with PHP/MySQL. I need a good login class/script . I am gonna adapt it to my software.

By the way, I found http://usercake.com/ .

What do you know about that?

I would suggest a framework. PHP has many. Zend, CakePHP, Prado the list goes on. Honestly? I suggest Yii. Been using it for months. It's totally MVC and has authentication built in as well as a good extension to expand the authentication capabilities. http://www.yiiframework.com/

I would prefer to write it myself, but if you're not confident with your PHP, I guess you could go with 3rd party. The benefit to writing it yourself is that you know exactly how it works and you can get it to look precisely how you want it to look, etc. shrug - maybe I'm just a purist.

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