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multiple images should be uploaded from iphone to a php server

multiple images should be uploaded from iphone to a php server and images will be sent to php server as an http request.

something like this www.ursite.com/event_id=1234qwer&method=upload&data=!@#$%^&*&^%$#@!!....


it would a random value and it is packet of data[images]. We need to read this raw data using php

how can I do that??


You shouldn't be sending your data as a GET request, you should be sending it as a multipart POST call. There's plenty of resources about that over the web, SO included. Also check out this page .

On the PHP side you will receive the uploaded files in the $_FILES array just as if the user uploaded the images from a HTML form so you don't need to do anything special to handle an iPhone upload.

I have some good news, and I have some bad news.

The good news is that the image data is just a JPEG, so GD's imagecreatefromstring will do the job nicely to ensure that the data is a valid image.

The bad news is twofold:

  1. The data has come in without the benefit of URL-encoding, so it is surely corrupt.
  2. GET method requests have a relatively small available data size.

You will need to have the data submitted as a POST, properly encoded.

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