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Current user gets overwritten with ria service authentication

I have a SL 4 applicaiton with RIA service for authentication(Forms + IE9). Consider following scenario

  • user A logs into the system,
  • now user B does the same,
  • user A performs some operation and it appears that inside System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User are hidden credentials for user B which is a catastrophy

Here's part of my web.config <authentication mode="Forms" > <forms name="MY_COOKIE_NAME" timeout="180"/> </authentication>

and code part responsible for login

public AuthenticationUser Login(string userName, string password, bool isPersistent, string customData)
        var retUser = new DefaultUser();
        if (/*check credentials*/)
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, true);
            retUser = CreateAuthenticatedUserData(userName);

        return retUser;

看来问题出在Internet浏览器上-切勿在同一浏览器的两个选项卡中打开应用程序的两个实例-会话/ Cookie /共享任何内容

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