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Window.Open POST

I have a link which when clicked I open a window with window.open like below.

 window.open("edit.jsp?clientId=" + clientId + "&eventId=" + eventId , 'height=600,width=800,scrollbars=1,location:no,menubar:no,resizable=1,status:no,toolbar:no');

I dont want the parameter to pass here instead I want to something like post so people cant copy url .

You cannot trigger a javascript popup and then force a post request.

Three options:

  1. Trigger a POST form with target="_blank" using javascript (but this doesn't allow you to disable interface elements such as the menu bar).
  2. Open a popup locally, but don't specify a url. Use the result of window.open to alter the document to generate a form, which you'd then post.

     var myWindow = window.open("", "", "height=600,width=800,scrollbars=1,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,status=no,toolbar=no"); myWindow.document.write("Write a form here and then later on trigger it"); 
  3. You really shouldn't do any of this. If it's bad for users to copy urls, there's a flaw in your application design.

  4. Added after edit : Use the 'empty window' approach, but instead of writing a form and triggering it, do a an XMLHTTPRequest (with POST) in the parent. The result of this request can be used to populate the child-window.

Beside AJAX (jquery.load()), which I would use myself - how about the following approach:

<form method="post" action="edit.jsp" target="_blank">
      <input type="hidden" name="clientId" value="88"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="eventId" value="2"/>

target = _blank will actually open a new window /tab the posted data will be processed in. Unfortunatelly you can hardly control the new windows appearance.

How about implementing a model popup window using a div? You can make an http post call to load the content of that div/model popup. You can use jQuery load() method to load the content of the div as well.


Some other model popup plugins are here




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