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Close vim NERDtree on close of file

I am trying out Vim, installed some plugins, amongst which NERDTree, followed some guides and set up a .vimrc (half of whose content I don't understand — yet).

What annoys me, is that if I :wq , vim remains active, it only closes the documents' split-screen. I end up with a fullscreen NERDTree. I would like NERDTree to close too, on closing the last tab or buffers.

Or am I using it wrong?

Put this in your vimrc:

autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") 
      \ && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif

Note: \ is to allow multiple line commands

The :wqa command will write all changed buffers and exit Vim. This will close down NerdTree, too.

Actually, using :q just close current split so for closing all splits go back to the terminal we should use :qa , this command closes all splits even NERDTree.

There is a shortcut for :wq and it is :x , the :x write the changes and close the current split, if you wanna save all changes and close all splits and go back to the terminal you can use below command too:


That is equivalent to:


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