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javascript: creating a local scope of a global variable undefines it before it is set

I do not understand this behavior:

var a = 1;
console.log('a is undefined1:', a == undefined);
var a;

//iterate selected jQuery elements:
jQuery.each(this, function(index, htmlElement) {
    console.log('a is undefined2:', a == undefined);
    var a;

Returns :
a is undefined1: false
a is undefined2: true

If the last line (var a;) is commented out, this is returned :
a is undefined1: false
a is undefined2: false

I would expect always the latter output. What do I not know?

Thanks so much!

Putting var a inside a function creates a different a variable that is scoped to that function.

Since you don't assign a value to it, it is undefined.

When you comment it out, you are testing the outer a which has the value of 1.

Variables are hoisted. It doesn't matter where in a function you use var foo , the foo for that function still applies to the whole function.

Declaring variable within function using var makes local copy (new variable) with scope on the whole function - it does not matter whether it is used before it is declared.

Never declare variables without var .

If you want to access the golobal variable and you have local variable of the same name, you can access the global foo variable using window.foo

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