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Flex3: Force Resizing of TitleWindow Component

I need some help forcing Flex3 to resize my TitleWindow component after an event.

My resize MXML looks like this:

<mx:Resize  id="rs1" duration="1000" 
            heightTo="{radioVBox.y + radioVBox.height + 110}"  />

How do I force it to resize after an event? I want to force the TitleWindow's height to change after the event in myFunc1 ends.

private function myFunc1():void {
 //blah blah...
 fe.addEventListener(FLASHEFFEvents.TRANSITION_END, myFunc2);

private function myFunc2():void {
 //force the titleWindow's height to be resized-- call rs1

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


I think it rather simple. For example we have a custom window and want it resizes on button click:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow height="300" layout="absolute" width="400" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
        import mx.events.EffectEvent;

        protected function clickHandler():void

        protected function windowResize_effectEndHandler(event:EffectEvent):void
            trace("Effect ended");

    <mx:Resize duration="1000" effectEnd="windowResize_effectEndHandler(event)" heightTo="200" id="windowResize"
        target="{this}" />

    <mx:Button click="clickHandler()" horizontalCenter="0" label="Resize" verticalCenter="0" />

You need to specify a target in your Resize tag for it to work, or specify the target when you call the resize.

<mx:Resize  id="rs1" duration="1000" target="{yourTitleWindow}" heightTo="{radioVBox.y + radioVBox.height + 110}"  />


Personally, I don't like the Flex effect tags so I use TweenMax instead. In that case you'd just need to do this:

private function myFunc2():void 
   TweenMax.to(yourTitleWindow, 1, {height:radioVBox.y + radioVBox.height + 110});

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