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jQuery cycle plugin

So i found a little bug that seems to be valid, but i cant figure out how to correct it.

It seems as though the jQuery cycle is counting the h2 and the p tags as child elements of .slideshow, and creating a link in the mininav that is generated... so instead of just 2 child elements .slide, it is displaying 4?? both in firefox and chrome... IE displays just the 2.

So is there a way to modify the script to only count the first child element of .slideshow?

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(function() {
        .before('<div id="mininav" class="mininav" />')

            fx      : 'fade',
            speed   : 'fast',
            timeout : 5500,
            pause   : 1,
            pager   : '#mininav',
            before  : function() { if (window.console) console.log(this.src); }



    <div class="slideshow">             

            <div class="slide" style="background:#fff url({iw_value name='slideshow.image'/}) no-repeat top left;">

                        <h2>{iw_value name='slideshow.headline'/}</h2>
                        <p>{iw_value name='slideshow.text'/}</p>            


<div class="slide" style="background:#fff url({iw_value name='slideshow.image'/}) no-repeat top left;">

                        <h2>{iw_value name='slideshow.headline'/}</h2>
                        <p>{iw_value name='slideshow.text'/}</p>            



Have you tried the 'slideExpr' option in cycle? This allows you to select which child elements should be treated as slides.

Also, I recommend that you double check that the page validates just to make sure that something isn't off with the structure of .slide divs.

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