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Adding two arrays integer values in Flex3

I am trying to find the sum of one column's timings which is like '00:00:00' format. I am splitting the time string at ':' and storing into an array. Then trying to add array1[1] value to array2[1] value. Here I'm not getting type casting logic. I'm getting an error when I give int(array2[1]) += int(array1[1]) .Any help is greatly appreciated!


You probably should cast your array elements using parseInt() before trying to add them. Create a function for that:

private function addFromString(a:String, b:String) : Number {
  return parseInt(a,10) + parseInt(b,10);

You can check whether a and b are NaN to make it better.

Then just do

addFromString(ary1[1], ary2[1])

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