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How do I make a full screen background change on refresh?

I want to make the background image of this web page alternate pictures on refresh.

How could I accomplish this?

Offliberty does this. I've looked at the source code but can't quite figure it out. I found out that it's done with server side scripting and my host does support that, and that a script called sizzle is powering the Offliberty website but I'm just so confused when I look at the code.

You could easily do this on the client side as well if you want. Create multiple classes in your css:

backgr0 { background-image: url('images/somepic.jpg'); }
backgr1 { background-image: url('images/somepic.jpg'); }
backgr2 { background-image: url('images/somepic.jpg'); }
backgr3 { background-image: url('images/somepic.jpg'); }
backgr4 { background-image: url('images/somepic.jpg'); }

Then in your jQuery ready function:

   var backnum = Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
   $('body').addClass("backgr" + backnum);

Replace body with an #id of a div if needed.

It would be best to do this on the server side, it seems to me you're using PHP, so I give you an example in that language. The background-image changes only on reload, so logically the difference should be in the HTML the client receives from the server.

You should use the same CSS classes that @DarthJDG has provided for you. The only difference is that you will attach the classes on the server, and not on the client side.

$number_of_classes=7; //the number of background images you have
$which_one=rand(0, $number_of_classes-1); //let's choose a class

printf('<body class="backgr%s">', $which_one); //put this wherever you are printing body

When you're trying to find out if something is done with JavaScript or server-side code, the first thing you can do is turn off JavaScript entirely, reload the page a few times, and see what happens.

Unfortunately, Offliberty has everything invisible by default, so it just looks like a blank screen when there's no JS. However, the content is all still there , so it'll still work.

Those big background images are being applied to the #wrapper div, and when I refreshed - even with JS turned off - that background image was changing.

So it looks like they're using server-side stuff to do it.

(Also, for what it's worth, Sizzle is a JavaScript library that makes selecting elements much easier. It doesn't change anything for the user, it just makes development a little simpler.)

<div id=wrapper class=wrapper4> there are 20 or so background options found in the css. If you dont want to use php asp or severside code. you can write a javascript for this

document.write ( '<div id=wrapper class=wrapper' + Math.floor(Math.random()*21) + '>');

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