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css javascript style sheet disabled?

what does it mean to have a style sheet disabled?

I just realised that its possible when i visited this page.. https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/HTMLStyleElement

The stylesheet included in the web page would be disabled if the attribute disabled is added in the <link> tag...

This is mostly used when the web pages apply multiple themes...and has something of a sort of a Themeroller

You can disable styles by setting the disabled property on the element that loaded them (either a style element for inline styles, or a link element for linked stylesheets). When disabled, a stylesheet's rules aren't applied.



<style id='style2'>
  p {
    color: green;
    font-weight: bold;


<p id ='theParagraph'>Click this paragraph to toggle the <tt>style2</tt> styles.</p>

(I know, I know, tt is deprecated.)


document.getElementById('theParagraph').onclick = function() {
  var style = document.getElementById('style2');
  style.disabled = !style.disabled;

Live copy

It means its style declarations contained within will not be applied.

jsFiddle .

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