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Calling JavaScript from JSF component seems wrong

Calling JavaScript from JSF component as follows seems to be wrong. Can you tell me why?

<ui:define name="javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">

            function myFunction( message ){
               alert( message);


<h:commandButton id="bas" value="bas"
    onclick=" myFunction('call js Function'); " />

Two things are "not right":

  1. You need to put JS code in its own JS file and use <script src="js/foo.js"></script> . JS language namely contains operators which are illegal in XHTML based view technology such as Facelets, eg < , > , & and on. You would need to escape them or wrap it in a CDATA block which is plain ugly.

  2. If you're on JSF 2.0, you should be using <h:outputScript> instead of <ui:define> with a <script> .

     <h:outputScript library="js" name="foo.js" /> <h:commandButton id="bas" value="bas" onclick="myFunction('call js Function');" />

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