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How do I 'fake' a form POST request on the commandline in ssh with python?

I have a small question about a problem I encountered writing my first python web application.

I have a form on my site which action is a python file. The forms posts the values of 2 inputboxes in a post request and my pythonfile will catch those and do something with them. When testing my program I'd like to be able to post these parameters on the command line when in ssh, something like:

python twitter.py -user1="bob" -user2="labla"

However I can't seem to get it to work and couldn't find anything on google.

For now my python file looks like this:

import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import nltk
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

reshtml = """Content-Type: text/html\n"""
print reshtml 

user1 = form['user1'].value
user2 = form['user2'].value

print user1 + "  , " + user2

So how do I 'fake' a form POST request on the commandline in ssh with python?

You can use httplib2 to POST requests to a server. For file uploading (multipart requests) you should use Poster .

You might need to GET the form before you can POST it your server checks for security tokens (hidden fields or cookies)

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