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jquery click event ONLY when wrapped element clicked

I have the following html:

<ul class="treeList2">
<li class="topLevel marked checked"><div class="tlWrap clearfix"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" class="checkbox"><strong>Level name here blah blah   <span>(3)</span></strong></div></li>


<script type="text/javascript">

        $('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').click(function(){

The problem is that this fires when I click the checkbox (which i don't want). I Only want to alert(this) when the 'div' is clicked (I do this so that I can change the div background). thanks

You can prevent the click event on the checkbox from bubbling up to the parent like this:


You can try it here.

See http://api.jquery.com/event.stopPropagation/

check if the target is not input element and then only alert.

        $('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').click(function(e){
            if (e.target.nodeName !== 'INPUT') {

Looking at it, you need to call the parent?

$('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').parent().click( ...

Although if you want to change the parent div when the checkbox is clicked:

$('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').click(function(){

[edit] Sorry, I mis-read the html. There's a 'not' function that you can exclude elements with:

$('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').not('input').click( ...

This will fire when anything in the div is clicked on, except the checkbox.

You can check whether the element that triggered the event (e.target) has a class of tlWrap .

        $('.treeList2 li.topLevel .tlWrap').click(function(e){
            if($(e.target).hasClass("tlWrap")) {            

See a working demo .

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