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.vimrc file does not apply

When I start vim some of the settings from .vimrc file are not applied. I recognized it eg because shortcuts for folding don't work ( za , zM ). I have to run the command

:source $MYVIMRC

and this helps but it's uncomfortable to run this command every time I start vim and this was working before without this command.

I'm using Xubuntu 10.04. It's in ~/.vimrc . Everything works after the :source $MYVIMRC command. Maybe it started when I added line to vimrc au! BufWritePost .vimrc source % au! BufWritePost .vimrc source %

my .vimrc

Some files are applied and some I have to manually apply.

thank you


I tried with

~/Downloads$ cat .vimrc 
se nocompatible
cnoremap QQ echo yup

au! BufWritePost .vimrc source %

However, this works like a charm and QQ is mapped just like it should. So there will be another culprit involved

~/Downloads$ gvim --noplugin -u .vimrc -U .vimrc 

(this is on Ubuntu 10.10, gvim 7.2) If you really want to debug thins, start gvim with the -V flag:

gvim -V1


gvim -V10


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