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How to make hyperlinks in dynaTree jQuery plugin clickable?

I am currently using dynaTree jQuery plugin to render a tree.

<div id="tree" style="height:100px;">

<ul class="expanded">

    <li class="expanded" id="shtml_1" >
        <a class="ajaxify" href="jsTree.html" >Root node 1</a>
            <li id="shtml_2">
                <a href="#">Child node 1</a>
                <li id="a"><a href="#">Child node 1-1</a></li>
                <li id="x"><a href="b">Child node 1-2</a></li>
            <li id="c"><a href="#">Child node 2</a></li>
    <li id="shtml_4">
        <a href="#">Root node 2</a>

Javascript -

  target: '#container'

      title: "Sample Theming",
      // Image folder used for data.icon attribute.
      imagePath: "skin-custom/",
      onSelect: function(node) {
        alert ("You selected " + node);

Now i want to

  • Use the jQuery Ajaxify plugin(http://max.jsrhost.com/ajaxify/demo.php) so that when user clicks on any node a ajax call gets made and the results loaded in a div.


  • Bind the anchor tags with jquery so that i can make onclick ajax requests.

Now whenever i use dynaTree it overrides the default behavior and prevents the anchor tag from being click able. Any thoughts on how this can be done?

Dynatree will by default remove the <a> tags, so it is possbly easier to implement the onActivate handler:

onActivate: function(node) { 
    if( node.data.href ){
        // use href and target attributes:
        window.location.href = node.data.href; 
//      window.open(node.data.href, node.data.target);
//      $("#div").load(node.data.href);

Starting with release 1.1.2, Dynatree will use href and target attributes directly from the <a> tag:

<li id="x"><a href="b">Child node 1-2</a></li>

In older versions you have to set href like so:

<li id="x" data="href: 'b'"><a href="b">Child node 1-2</a></li>

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