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Winform: Binding a custom control property to a BindingList

I'm trying to create a binding from my custom control to objects that are in a BindingList.

While with textbox, I can easily write


With my custom property "Value", this thing doesn't work (the object doesn't get updated).

What should I implement with my custom control to make it works? I already implemented INotifyPropertyChanged, but it doesn't work.

I just want make this line works:



I read this around web: http://kbalertz.com/327413/control-using-Visual.aspx however is not working for me at the moment, maybe I'm doing something wrong

Since you said your bound object doesn't get updated (I assume from Control -> Object changes), but it is bound correctly, maybe this will help:

customControl.DataBindings.Add("CustomProperty", list, "BoundObjectProperty", 
    false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);

I solved the problem by myself:

While the article I linked is a good suggestion, there is a wrong part; you don't have to create an event in your custom class with PropertyChangedEventHandler, but just with EventHandler.

public event EventHandler CustomPropertyChanged;

Is enough to make everything works. Obviusly you have to call it when your property changes


I discovered a bad thing, while on textboxes, if the control lose focus the bindinglist get updated, on my custom controls this thing happens only when I change selected item in listbox.

I don't find a way to solve this at the moment.

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