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null values sent by jQuery.ajax() are bound to “null” fields in the model

I want my model's part to be accessible to my page's JavaScript, so I include the following script tag into the model:

<script type="text/javascript">
var filter = @Html.Raw(@Json.Encode(Model.Filter));

The filter object is a filter for the subsequent queries, which are done via AJAX:

<script type="text/javascript">
function DownloadData() {
        url: '@Url.Action("GetData")',
        type: "POST",
        data: filter,
        success: function (data) {

It all works OK, but for one part: the filter 's string properties are not null , but "null" . I don't touch the filter variable in my JavaScript yet


public class SellOffersFilter
    public int MinAge { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }


public ActionResult SellOffersGetPage(SellOffersFilter filter)
    //here both filter.Country and filter.City are equal to "null"

The POST form looks like MinAge=0&Country=null&City=null , and JavaScript debugger shows that filter.Country is equal to null , not the "null" string.

Is there a way to force jQuery not to pack the filter's fields into the POST request, if they are null ? Or another easy way to pass null values through jQuery.ajax() ?

This is most definitely something you should do on your server, not on the client.

Making the client not use "null" by mistake doesn't mean the client can't do a request with null values.

The whole AJAX concept falls short of proper validation, where people are pushing validation to the client-side level. This is wrong. It means there will be more hidden server bugs in the future (for all kinds of hackers to exploit).

I didn't figure out the answer, so I had to manually replace null values with empty strings on the server.

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