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How can i stop the process of searching for new devices in wifi network?

in my wifi network code i am using a NSNetServiceBrowser delegate searchForServicesOfType which will starts a search for services of the specified type in the domain indicated by domainString

[ self.netServiceBrowser searchForServicesOfType:types inDomain:domain]

my case type is network identifier(string:" _tcp_wifi ") and domain is " local "(string).

For each service discovered, a -netServiceBrowser:foundService:moreComing: message is sent to the NSNetServiceBrowser instance's delegate.

- (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)netServiceBrowser didFindService:(NSNetService *)service moreComing:(BOOL)moreComing { }

above delegate will trigger for each service discovered.

searchForServicesOfType delegate will always search for the new devices. however i need to stop the process of searching for new devices after 2 minutes using a timer.is it possible do this.is there any NSNetServiceBrowser delegate to do this? if yes,can any one tell me the good way to do it.

To stop a search, use the stop method. You should perform any necessary cleanup in the netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch: delegate callback.

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