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LINQ to XML - Elements() works but Elements(XName) does not work

Given below is my xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition">
            <Textbox Name="txtCurrentDate">
            <Textbox Name="txtName">
                                <Value>Mark Wilkinson</Value>
                                <Style />
                        <Style />
        <Style />

I want to get all the Textbox names and values. This is what I tried and it does not work:

XDocument data = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\testxml.rdl");

            var elements = from c in data.Elements("ReportItems")
                           select c;
            foreach (var element in elements)
                Console.WriteLine("Element : " + element.Attribute("Name").Value);


but when I change the query to something like this

var elements = from c in data.Elements().Elements().ElementAt(0).Elements().ElementAt(0).Elements()
                           select c;

it works.

Any help in this regard is much appreciated.

Edit: With the help of answers I was able to get the desired results. Thank you so much:)

XDocument data = XDocument.Load("..\\..\\testxml.rdl");            
            XNamespace ns = data.Root.Name.Namespace;
            var elements = from c in data.Descendants(ns + "Textbox")
                           select c;
            foreach (var element in elements)
                Console.WriteLine("Element : " + element.Attribute("Name").Value);                



You need to take the namespace into account:

XNamespace df = data.Root.Name.Namespace;

Then use df + "foo" to select elements with local name foo in the namespace defined on the root element.

And as already mentioned you probably want to select descendants, not child elements:

        var elements = from c in data.Descendants(df + "Textbox")
                       select c;

You are looking for Descendants() not Elements() in this case. Elements() only selects immediate children.


  • XContainer.Descendants Method (XName) - Returns a filtered collection of the descendant elements for this document or element, in document order. Only elements that have a matching XName are included in the collection
  • XContainer.Elements Method (XName) - Returns a filtered collection of the child elements of this element or document, in document order. Only elements that have a matching XName are included in the collection.

Note: Based on your sample code, using Descendants() will still throw an exception because not all of the ReportItems elements have a Name attribute. You need to do something like Console.WriteLine("Element: " + (element.Attributes("Name").Any()? element.Attribute("Name").Value: "(no name)") );

 if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            filepath = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                XElement xe = XElement.Load(filepath);

                string sql = "insert OR IGNORE into price_list (name,his_code,specs,unit,spell,price) values(@name,@his_code,@specs,@unit,@spell,@price);";
                int count = 0;
                foreach (XElement el in xe.Descendants("row"))
                    SQLiteParameter[] ps =
                        new SQLiteParameter("@his_code",el.Element("aka079").Value),
                        new SQLiteParameter("@name",el.Element("aka061").Value),
                        new SQLiteParameter("@specs",el.Element("aka073").Value),
                        new SQLiteParameter("@unit",el.Element("aka067").Value),
                        new SQLiteParameter("@spell",SpellCode.GetSpellCode(el.Element("aka061").Value)),
                        new SQLiteParameter("@price",el.Element("aka071").Value),

                    if (SqliteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ps) > 0)


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message);

just change XElements() to Descendants(),it will work probably

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