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c# razor actionresult parameter

I'm totally new at mvc razor, so please excuse my unfamilarity with this subject. If I understood well, it is the controller which gets the url parameter, like the following:

  // Get: /User/23
  public ActionResult(int? id) { 
       return View("User", id);

So basically, this ActionResult gets the parameter in the url and sends it somewhere. But where?

Also, say I have a repository in which I return all the users in an IQueryable<> class. If the id is not null it gets only the relevant result, if not, it gets the whole list. Therefore, I'd like to return a list to the view and show the results. How can I do that? To ease the understanding I give the following example:

// I want to populate this list based on the id in the actionresult
@foreach(var u in MyList) { 
   name: @u.Name <br>
   lastname: @u.LastName <hr>

Whatever you return as the second parameter is the model passed into the view. You could then inherit the razor page in WebViewPage, or better, use the @model keyword. The data passed in is available within the page via the "Model" variable.

Good example of usage after that is at http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/10/19/asp-net-mvc-3-new-model-directive-support-in-razor.aspx

return View invokes a helper method in the base class, Controller .

It will return a ViewResult , with the parameter being the model passed to the view.

So if you want to pass through a list of User's, you would do this:

public ActionResult Users()
   var users = _repository.FindAllUsers();
   return View(users);

Note how i left out the View name, so the default convention will be to look for a View based on the action name, in this case Users.cshtml . Always try and use convention over configuration - this is what makes MVC great.

@model IEnumerable<YourApp.Models.User>


@Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name)
@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Name)
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.LastName)
@Html.DisplayFor(model => model.LastName)

Note how i didn't use a foreach loop - i use i custom display template, again - convention over configuration.

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