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How to remove application layout from a particualar Ruby on Rails page?

How can I remove the layout application.html.erb from rendering on a particular page. It is now visible on all pages in my application.

You can override default rendering at the controller level.

class Admin::HomeController < Admin::BaseController
  layout "admin"

You can also override rendering of layouts at a controller action level:

def show
  render :layout => "layout_for_show_only"

And, if you are really desperate, you can override layouts in the view:

<%= render "print_view", :layout => "print" %>

See the excellent rails guide on the subject: layouts and rendering in Rails


You can simply add to the controller:

layout false, only: [:show, :edit]

which means, that application layout won't be rendered for the show and edit pages

Here is an answer.

You can set: format.js {render:layout=>false}

jQuery + Ajax + Haml. js.erb files not firing

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