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Receiving HTTP ERROR with Django Uploadify S3

I am using Django Uplodify S3 and I am having issues getting it to work. Files start to upload (progress is shown), then they just either pause indefinitely or result in a 'Http Error'.

My python code is pretty much identical to the example code given. I am running this on my local machine with the dev server.

I keep getting HTTP error 400, Amazon is reporting that there are extra fields in the POST request that I have not specified in my policy.

After looking at the link mouad provided, I made some changes to my policy to try and include all the files I should be, but I am not sure if I have declared them properly as the documentation for the Django Uploadfiy module is a bit unclear. Here's what I have:

def upload_example(request, object_id):

    options = {"onError":"function (a,b,c,d) {alert('Error: '+d.type+'      Info: '+d.info)} "}
    key_pattern = 'example-%s/${filename}' % object_id
        'key': key_pattern,
        'success_action_status': "201",
        "starts-with": object_id

    # S3 uses conditions to validate the upload data. DUS3 automatically constructs
    # and includes conditions for most of the elements that will be sent to S3, but you 
    # need to pass in conditions for:
    #   - 'key', whose value changes at upload time. Note that the condition's value
    #     must correspond to the key pattern set above.
    #   - any extra elements set at upload time
    # See the DUS3 README for more information on the conditions mapping:
    #   https://github.com/sbc/django-uploadify-s3

        'key': {    'op': 'starts-with',
                    'value': ["$Filename", "$folder", "$key", "$Filedata", "$starts-with", "$Upload"], }

    uploadify_options = uploadify_s3.UploadifyS3(
                            uploadify_options = options,

    return ['s3.html', {"opt": uploadify_options}]

The part I am most concerned about is 'key', whose value changes at upload time. Note that the condition's value 'key', whose value changes at upload time. Note that the condition's value . I am not sure how I should be declaring the value of key . The documentation is not very clear at all.

And then here is the error log from Amazon:

7654158c29cb89182a7a8836253c91d61945e514e4a738ee1f502eda245f71e0 joshhunttest [08/Jun/2011:05:24:34 +0000] - 8212E79B67E4469F REST.GET.OBJECT crossdomain.xml "GET /crossdomain.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 - 215 215 199 198 "http://localhost:8000/static/uploadify/uploadify.swf" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_7) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.10 Safari/535.1" -

7654158c29cb89182a7a8836253c91d61945e514e4a738ee1f502eda245f71e0 joshhunttest [08/Jun/2011:05:24:35 +0000] - FDA8CED6EF7C3A19 REST.POST.BUCKET  "POST / HTTP/1.1" 400 MaxPostPreDataLengthExceeded 360 - 1010 - "-" "Adobe Flash Player 10" -

This might be a long shot, but have you tried renaming the field from file_upload to file ?

I believe your upload needs to be changed from 'filedata' to be named 'file'.

Take a look here for sample code: http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1092&categoryID=47

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