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Issues on using svn to check out code from command line

On my working directory, I tried to check out the code as follows:

svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mahout/trunk

But the system says:

zsh: command not found: svn

Does that mean that I did not install svn correctly. How to fix that?

More likely, it means that the svn executable is not on the system path. Create a symbolic link to it in /usr/bin

ln -s /full/path/to/executable/svn /usr/bin/svn


I was going for the path of least resistance, but @derobert is right about root or sudo privileges needed for that. Never think about it, because I'm never a restricted user. Appending to PATH is probably the only way a restricted user can do it:

export PATH='$PATH:/full/path/to/svn/bin'

Ideally, that should go in one of your user preference startup scripts. It's usually something like ~/.profile . In bash, it's ~/.bash_rc or in some cases ~/.bash_profile . Not sure about in Zsh, though, but look for something along those lines.

You may want to search to see if svn is installed on your box...

you an do a 'which svn'

if nothing returns.. make sure you PATH variable is set to where your binaries are stored..

If you are referring to the SVN plugin in eclipse, that is not the same thing as the command line implementation of SVN. They are two separate packages. You will need to install the Subversion package seperately (preferably from your respective package manager).

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