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How to convert a text field into a number field from an Excel pivot table

I have an Excel pivot table which is dynamically generated by a third party program. One of the fields brought in is of type text, but contains a number.

I have tried setting calculated field = VALUE('Field Name') but it always returns zero.

Not sure if this is the best forum for this question, but none of the other SE sites seemed appropriate. Thanks so much!

Update - I am using Excel 2010

You need to state which version of Excel you're using, but assuming it's a fairly recent version......

I'm not sure if your post is to be taken literally, but Field Name (with a space) is probably not a valid name. Try calling it Field_Name . After that, make sure a non-zero number is at location Field_Name .

If the above is followed, =VALUE(Field_Name) ....no quotes....should work (I'm staring at it right now on my machine with Excel 2007). Any non-numeric value gives #VALUE! .

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