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How to do this vlookup in excel?

I have one Excel document with two sheets Sheet1 and Sheet2.

Sheet1 data is as below.

    sno        absolute name      new field
    ---        -------------      ---------
    1           abc
    2           defgh
    3           rose

Sheet2 data is as below.

 absolute name      new field
 -------------      ---------
 abc                apple 
 defgh              mango
 rose               orange

The output should end up in Sheet1 as:

sno        absolute name      new field
---        -------------      ---------
1           abc                apple
2           defgh              mango
3           rose               orange

consider the above data as sample data.

How do you do the vlookup?

Here's your answer:

=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet2!A:B, 2)

This formula help you:-

=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet2:A,B, 2,0)

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