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How to hide/show tab bar of a view with a navigation bar in iOS?

I have views with a navigation bar and a tab bar. What I would like to happen is to hide the tab bar on a certain view and show the tab bar again when the user changes views.

I saw a snippet of code for hiding the tab bar:

    // Custom code to hide TabBar
    if ( [tabBarController.view.subviews count] < 2 ) {

    UIView *contentView;

    if ( [[tabBarController.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[UITabBar class]] ) {
        contentView = [tabBarController.view.subviews objectAtIndex:1];
    } else {
        contentView = [tabBarController.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0];

    if (hide) {
        contentView.frame = tabBarController.view.bounds;       
    else {
        contentView.frame = CGRectMake(tabBarController.view.bounds.origin.x,
             tabBarController.view.bounds.size.height - tabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height);

    tabBarController.tabBar.hidden = hide;

from: http://nickwaynik.com/iphone/hide-tabbar-in-an-ios-app/

I call this on the view wherein I want the tab bar hidden

[self makeTabBarHidden:YES];

it works fine when i show/hide it on that view but when I navigate back to the previous view, the tab bar there is also hidden. I tried calling that function in the view's viewDidUnload , viewWillDisappear , viewDidDisappear functions but nothing happens. The same is true when the function is called in the previous view's viewDidLoad , viewWillAppear , viewDidAppear functions.

You can set the UIViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed instead:

DetailViewController *detailViewController = [[DetailViewController alloc] init];
detailViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];    
[detailViewController release];

You can also do this in the Interface Builder for a storyboard. Select the View Controller that you want to hide the Tab Bar for and then select "Hide Bottom Bar on Push".


I just created a category on UITabBarController that allows you to hide the TabBar, optionally with an animation:


It adds the tabBarHidden property (with isTabBarHidden as its getter) and the - (void)setTabBarHidden:(BOOL)hidden animated:(BOOL)animated method.



try this for hide / show;

    self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = NO;
    self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;

Swift 3:在ViewwillAppear或viewdidappear中设置标签栏隐藏

self.tabBarController?.tabBar.isHidden = true


you can use below code but tabBar remains hidden when you navigate back.

    //hide tabbar
    //self.tabBarController?.tabBar.isHidden = true

better way is to do through main.storyboard check "Hide Bottom Bar on Push" as I've done.


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