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Can the Perl debugger save the ReadLine history to a file?

I work quit a bit with lib ReadLine and the lib Perl Readline.

Yet, the Perl debugger refuses to save the session command line history.

Thus, each time I invoke the debugger I lose all of my previous history.

Does anyone know how to have the Perl debugger save, and hopefully, append session history similar to the bash HISTORYFILE ?

The way I do this is by having the following line in my ~/.perldb file:


Debugger commands are then stored in ~/.perldb.hist and accessible across sessions.

Add parse_options("TTY=/dev/stdin ReadLine=0"); to .perldb, then:

rlwrap -H .perl_history perl -d ...
$ export PERLDB_OPTS=HistFile=$HOME/.perldb.history 

I did the following:

1) Created ~/.perldb , which did not exist previously.

2) Added &parse_options("HistFile=$ENV{HOME}/.perldb.hist"); from mirod's answer.

3) Added export PERLDB_OPTS=HistFile=$HOME/.perldb.history to ~/.bashrc from mephinet's answer.

4) Ran source .bashrc

5) Ran perl -d my program.pl , and got this warning/error

perldb: Must not source insecure rcfile /home/ics/.perldb.
        You or the superuser must be the owner, and it must not 
        be writable by anyone but its owner.

6) I protected ~/.perldb with owner rw chmod 700 ~/.perldb , and the error went away.

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