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Denying via 404 instead of 403

I have the following setup for phpmyadmin:

<Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin>
        Options FollowSymLinks
        DirectoryIndex index.php
        Order Deny,Allow
        Allow from
        Deny from all



So essentially, I only allow phpmyadmin to be accessible from localhost. If someone from the outside world attempts to go to http://mydomain/phpmyadmin they'll get a 403 (Forbidden). This might tip them off to the fact it's there, but they just can't get to it.

Question: I'd rather have Apache return a 404 in this instance. Is that possible?

I've looked around the internet for an answer to a similar problem. While mod_rewrite is a possible solution, I find the best solution uses the "RedirectMatch" directive.

See StackOverflow: Problem redirecting 403 Forbidden to 404 Not Found

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