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How to update href ID using AJAX

I have a following link in my code:

<li onclick="loadNewPage('test')"><a href="#">Link</a></li>

When the user click this link, I will use xmlHttpRequest to update some content in a DIV on the webpage.

But at the same time, when the user click the link, I want to add an id, so that the state of the button can be changed using CSS. (note the "id" being added to the link)

<li onclick="loadNewPage('test')"><a href="#" id="current">Link</a></li>

At the same time, if these is any other link on the page with the id "current" I want to remove that ID.

Is this possible? How to do this?

It is good practice that every element that you want to handle in your HTML has its own, fixed ID.

I would suggest that your put an id when creating the page. If you want to change something, you may change the class of the element instead of the ID.


<li onclick="loadNewPage('test')"><a href="#" id="section_1">Link</a></li>

After clicking:

<li onclick="loadNewPage('test')"><a href="#" id="section_1" class="selected">Link</a></li>

JQuery (amongst other libraries) provide useful methods to retrieve elements of a given class, in order to change them.

Why not have

<li onclick="loadNewPage(this,'test')"><a href="#">Link</a></li>


function loadNewPage(theLi,sometext) {

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