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wrap plain text inside a div before another html element

Ok, that probably doesn't make a ton of sense... let me illustrate:

<div class="csl-entry"> lorem ipsum yada yada yada... <a title="some title" rel="external" href="http://google.com">Google</a> </div>

I would like to wrap the "lorem ipsum yada yada yada..." in a <p> tag, but am unsure how to proceed without also wrapping the <a> .

If it's easier to do in JavaScript or jQuery, I'm fine with that, too. Much of my site is semi-dependent on a bit of JS anyway.


Wrapping a <a> tag inside a <p> tag inside a <div> is perfectly ok.

So I'd say just do:

<div class="csl-entry"> 
          lorem ipsum yada yada yada... 
          <a title="some title" rel="external" href="http://google.com">Google</a>

If I understand your question well that is... :)

Using jquery

$('.csl-entry').contents().filter(function() {

  return this.nodeType == 3;


Please note that this will wrap all text nodes that are children of csl-entry - so if you have any stray spaces in the div you will get an empty paragraph tag.

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