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How do I enumerate on NSString?

How do I enumerate on NSString?

example of what I am trying to do:

enum eCat{

enum eCat Cate;
NSString *yoda = @"mouse";
Cate = [yoda intValue];
NSLog(@"Hello: %d",Cate);

wanting the result to be

Hello: 2


There's no direct support of such an enumeration in Objective-C.

Instead, create an array of the strings and look for an entry:

    static NSArray* enumeration=nil;
           enumeration=[[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"AAA",@"BBB",@"CCC",nil] retain];

then use it later:

    NSInteger i=[enumeration indexOfObject:@"BBB"];
    /*  i is now 1 */

It's unrelated to your question, but please don't start a variable name with a capital letter, like your Cate . That's against the convention of Objective-C.

You have to create a mapping (string → enumeration) yourself. One possibility would be something like this (disclaimer: only brain-compiled):

#define CAT_(a, b) a##b
#define CAT(a, b) CAT_(a, b)
#define E(en) [NSNumber numberWithInt:en], CAT(@, #en),
NSDictionary *mapping = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                          // ...

NSNumber *result = [mapping objectForKey:@"mouse"];
if (!result) {
    // ... oops
} else {
    enum eCat cate = [result intValue];

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