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How to cancel reading from a Stream obtained using HttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()?

I use HttpWebResponse.BeginGetResponse() method to make a request to my server. In the "Request Complete" notification I do the following (no error handling code included):

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(result);
BinaryReader streamReader = new BinaryReader(response.GetResponseStream());

while ((readSize = streamReader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)

My question is if it is OK to store the Stream obtained from response.GetResponseStream() somewhere as a member variable and make the Cancel of the request like this:

m_requestState.httpRequestStream.Close(); // If this is missing then
// streamReader.Read() locks for a long time when connection is lost.

This code causes the streamReader.Read() to throw System.ObjectDisposedException.

Thank you!

it's best if you store your webRequest instead and cancel it in a try catch:

    public void Cancel()
        IsCancelled = true; 

            if (WebRequest != null)
        catch (Exception ex)
            // slicence!

See WebDownloader HelperClass here:


IsCancelled flag is set in the cancel() method to avoid calling OnComplete() even after the Abort() is called.

After I did some research, my conclusion is that the only solution to unlock streamReader.Read() is to include in the canceling method also the call to m_requestState.httpRequestStream.Close() (as stated in the initial question). This will make the call streamReader.Read() to throw ObjectDisposedException exception and the "Request Complete" notification to finish execution.

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