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Symfony 1.4 form binding problems

I've been browsing for answers for a while and I've given in to asking a question here. I have several working sf forms, but for some reason this one doesn't want to do it. I have a feeling I am missing a small detail I've been lucky to overlook without errors in the past.

Here is the schema:

public function configure()

    'study_area' => new sfWidgetFormSelect( array( 'label' => 'Select Study Area', 'choices' => self::study_areas() )),
    'degree_level' => new sfWidgetFormSelect( array( 'label' => 'Select Degree Level', 'choices' => self::degree_levels() )),
    'campusonline' => new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio( array( 'choices' => self::campus_online(), 'class' => 'radiolabel' )),
    'zip' => new sfWidgetFormInputText( array( 'label' => 'Zip code:')),

    'study_area'   => new sfValidatorString( array( 'required' => true )),
    'degree_level' => new sfValidatorString( array( 'required' => true )),
    'campusonline' => new sfValidatorString( array( 'required' => true )),
    'zip'          => new sfValidatorString(array( 'required' => 'Please enter a valid zip.' )),

  //formatting, default values, name format, etc
  $this->getWidgetSchema()->getFormFormatter()->setRowFormat( '%label%%error%%field%%help%%hidden_fields%' );
  $this->setDefaults( array( 'study_area' => '', 'degree_level' => '', 'campusonline' => 1 ));
  $this->getWidgetSchema()->setLabel( 'campusonline', false );
  $this->errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this->validatorSchema);
  $this->validatorSchema['zip'] = new sfValidatorZip(array('required' => true));


And here is the action:

$this->form = new SearchWidgetForm();

if ($request->isMethod( 'post' ))
  $this->form->bind($request->getParameter( 'searchwidget' ));

  if ($this->form->isValid())
    print 'nope';
    var_dump($request->getParameter( 'searchwidget' ));

And here is what results from that else :

study_area: Required.

degree_level: Required.

campusonline: Required.

zip: Required.

_csrf_token: Required.


I have also checked that var_dump( $this->form->isBound() ); produces 'true', which it does. So... The form is bound, but the array it should have become is null.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help. I would really appreciate it.

I'm only guessing here, (haven't used sf1.x in a bit) but maybe you need to set the form name format? I see you mentioned it in the last comment in your first code snippet, but I don't see the actual line:


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