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Resize input text field as text is entered

Is it possible to resize a text input box as text is typed? I've searched the web and haven't found anything.

I just made one for you, try it here: http://jsfiddle.net/FNMSP/2/

function autoResize(e){
    var ele=e.target;                          //get the text field
    var t=ele.scrollTop;                       //use scroll top to determine if
    ele.scrollTop=0                              //space is enough
    if(t>0){                                       //If it needs more space....
        ele.style.height=(ele.offsetHeight+t+t)+"px";  //Then add space for it!

You can do this to the textarea,

<textarea onkeydown="autoResize(event)">Auto Resize!</textarea>

Or use below to attach the function to every <textarea> :

var ele=document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");

Feel free to use it.

Pretty simple but weird implementation:)

function enlarge(ele)
   ele.size += 10;

<input onkeypress="enlarge(this)" size="10"/>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

  function call_me(max_length) {
      if((document.form1.mybox.value == null ) ||
         (document.form1.mybox.value == "" ))
          document.form1.mybox.size = size;
      if((document.form1.mybox.value.length >= size) &&
         (document.form1.mybox.value.length <= max_length))
          document.form1.mybox.size = document.form1.mybox.value.length + 1;
          document.form1.mybox.size = size;


LastName: <input type="text" style="font-family: Terminal"
                 name="mybox" maxlength="30" size="10"
                 onFocus="setInterval('call_me(document.form1.mybox.maxLength)', 1)">


  var size = document.form1.mybox.size; 


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