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how to hide scroll (overflow:hidden)?

I have scrollable page with link which opens thickbox.

(see example landme.ru/scroll-bug/ )

I want to hide vertical scroll when thickbox is opened and stay on the bottom of the page. Applying 'overflow:hidden' property to 'body' tag does not work in ie7. If I use this property for 'html' tag, the page content is scrolled up before scroll will be hidden

sorry for my english

UPD: Meanwhile I use such code:



if ( ($.browser.msie) && ($.browser.version == '7.0')) {  
} else {  

It works, but I still want to know, if there are any other methods

ok so the problem is with the height. You can't just specify overflow hidden on the wrap because it has no idea where to stop. Wrap the "wrap" in a div with the style attributes of position:relative; height:100%; then give the wrap the style of overflow: hidden; height: 100%; position: absolute;

lastly you need to scroll it so it's at the bottom.

document.getElementsByClassName("wrap")[0].scrollTop = document.getElementsByClassName("wrap")[0].scrollHeight

and there you have it:)

test case here: http://jsbin.com/eguhuj#html

there is a tiny bit of scroll bar, but that's because of jsbin. in just an html document it looks perfect.

EDIT: updateed code... can we test this to see if it works first... can you put this in your anchor element?

onclick="(function(){var blah = document.getElementsByClassName("wrap")[0];
document.getElementsByClassName("wr")[0].style.position = "absolute";
var meh = document.body.scrollTop;
blah.style.overflow = "hidden";
blah.style.height = "100%";
blah.style.position = "absolute";
blah.scrollTop = meh;})();"

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