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In Rails 3, how can you make a div a button (a clickable div that links to a new page)

I know that there are options to do this manually, such as here : How do you make the entire DIV clickable to go to another page?

However, in Rails 3 we make links like this: <%= link_to "name", url %>

And I am wondering -- is there a proper Rails way to make a whole div a button. I realize I could make a button. However, let's say I want to fill it with content like text and a picture - then how would I make that whole div clickable in a rails way?

For example: <%= @story.title %> <%= @story.blurb %>

In this example, I would want to make #story clickable, with the rails generated content that I specified.. Any ideas?

For those interested, the answer is:

 <div class="class_name">
 <%= link_to content_tag(:span, "Text for the LInk"), route %>

And then, in the CSS set .class_name to position:relative; and:

 .class_name span {

The link will now assume the size of its parent container, and thus give the impression the whole container is a link.

I might use jquery if you really wanted to do this

$(document).ready(function() {
        document.location = 'http://someplace.com';

You can't make a "clickable" raw div like that in a rails way... the concept doesn't make any sense. That's just not how it works

(added missing close parens for click)

not tested

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