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301 redirect to get rid of the slash

Is there a way in htaccess to redirect all the pages from / to nothing. So for example i want this

http://somesite.com/something/ ==> http://somesite.com/something
http://somesite.com/another_thing/ ==> http://somesite.com/another_thing
http://somesite.com/page3/ ==> http://somesite.com/page3
http://somesite.com/page4/ ==> http://somesite.com/page4

page3, page4, something, another_thing are all directories with an index.php file in each... and this is how i handled it

in my htaccess i am getting rid of the / by this

DirectorySlash Off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index\.php -f 
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /$1/index.php [NC,QSA,L]

I basically want to 301 redirect just for seo reasons so everybody ends up on the non slash pages even if they are cached.thanks in advance


If you want to remove trailing slashes from all requests that have them, try:

RewriteRule   ^/(.+)/$  /$1   [R]

See as well URL Rewriting Guide and look for Canonical URLs . Additionally please be aware of the documentation and security warning for the DirectorySlash Off directive .

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