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How to create dynamic pages with .htaccess and mod_rewrite

I want to know what I need to put in the .htaccess to do the following.

When people call one of my pages, for example:


that it would create these pages on the fly from a file called cookscities.php .

Then the page cookscities.php would pull the values from the URL for the city and state and place it on the page.

So for sample requested page: http www.mydomain.com/cooks/New-York_NY.html my page cookscities.php inserts value of URL on page content city value but remove the "-" if there is one and also places the state 2 letters.

So the page title would say:

Find Cooks in New York NY

In .htaccess add:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /cooks/(.*)$ http://mydomain.com/cookscities.php?val=$1 [L]

This matches any URL beginning with /cooks/ and calls cookscities.php, passing in the part after "/cooks/" as the GET variable val .

In cookscities.php you could have:

list($city, $state) = explode('_', $_GET['val']);
$city = str_replace('-', ' ', $city);

echo "Find Cooks in $city $state";

通常可以通过使用mod_rewrite完成此操作: http : //www.sitepoint.com/guide-url-rewriting/

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