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jQuery trigger mouseout event

Is it possible to trigger a mouseout event on a link element using jQuery ?

Ie Something of the sort


I want this to work on an iPad, which even though does not have any mouse cursor, does actually have the event...

Yes, jquery has a mouseout event handler - http://api.jquery.com/mouseout/

$('some_selector_here').mouseout(function() { 
  // Do some stuff


You might be able to use:


In the form of:



I don't know about the ipad, but it works as you posted. http://jsfiddle.net/tESUc/






Try with tap event

tap - triggered after a tapping an pnscreen element.


$('.link').live('tap',function(event) {

mouse hover state does not exist on touchscreens

Mouse over/out events do not work as required on ipad. Take a look at touchstart/touchmove and touchend events which are specially for touch devices.

Something like this http://jsfiddle.net/hTYKQ/ Will work in ipad but in this fashion:

  • 1st click to the element triggers the mouseenter function.

  • 2nd click triggers stuff.. if it has stuff... like a link ( http://jsfiddle.net/qxM33/1/ i screwed the <a> href but you get the point.)

  • Click outside the element triggers the mouseleave function.

What this story teaches is: jquery mouse over and mouse out functions work much like click functions in ipad .

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