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Databinding CustomControls within PivotControls

I'm trying to use a PivotControlPage to control the paging of an object with a List

My current attempt is like so

    <controls:Pivot x:Name="quizPivot" Title="MY APPLICATION" ItemsSource="{Binding Questions}" SelectedIndex="1" >

        <controls:PivotItem Header="{Binding QuestionTitle }">
                <local:Text5Control DataContext="{Binding .}"></local:Text5Control>


I want the pivot control to control the "next" and "previous" actions and pass that current item to the DataContext of my custom control.

I'm doing this slightly wrong I think, but i'm setting the DataContext of the pivotcontrol and the currentitem in the code behind.

this is where i set the datacontext for the pivot control

    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)

        quiz = new Quiz();
        quiz.Questions = loadQuestions()  // loads questions from file

        quizPivot.DataContext = quiz;

I changed the xaml to look like this.

    <controls:Pivot x:Name="quizPivot" Title="Mensa" SelectedIndex="1" DataContext="{Binding quiz}" ItemsSource="{Binding Questions}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding QuestionTitle}" />
                    <local:Text5Control DataContext="{Binding .}"></local:Text5Control>

What I was missing is the use of templates for the data. PivotItem is only applicable for static items.

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