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client template in telerik grid in mvc

i have bind the client template in my telerik grid but it does not appears in my column why does it happens does i have to call it


<%=Html.Telerik().Grid(Model).Name("Grid").DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(m => m.ResExpID))
  .Columns(columns =>
    columns.Bound(m => m.ResExpID).Width(100);
    columns.Bound(m => m.Company).Width(100);

    columns.Bound(m => m.Title).Width(200);
                                .Name("UserState<#= UserState #>")
                                .BindTo(new SelectList(us.GetUserNameByEmail("ghg").ToList()))
                                .ToHtmlString().Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}")).Encoded(false)

    .Title("User State");

; columns.Command(commands => {



 .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowSelect("onRowSelected"))

    .DataBinding(dataBinding =>

          .Select("WorkExperience", "Editresume")

          .Update("_Saveexperience", "Editresume")

        .Delete("_Deleteexperience", "Editresume");

    .Scrollable(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled((bool)ViewData["scrolling"]))
    .Sortable(sorting => sorting.Enabled((bool)ViewData["sorting"]))
    .Pageable(paging => paging.Enabled((bool)ViewData["paging"]))
    .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled((bool)ViewData["filtering"]))
    .Groupable(grouping => grouping.Enabled((bool)ViewData["grouping"]))
    .Editable(editing => editing.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp))

    .RowAction(row => row.Selected = row.DataItem.ResExpID.Equals(ViewData["id"]))


I had a similar issue. You can check this page that will probably help you:


What it says is the binding occurs on the server when you provide the model like you do:


and the client templates are applied when the binding occurs on the client. The simplest solution would be to use this overload of the ' Grid ' constructor:


then the client template should appear.

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