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how to find recent committers of a file in git?

Is there a way to find who recently changed a file in git?

For exaxmple, I need last 5 people who changed this file. I tried git annotate and git blame but I could not find the exact thing I wanted.

Probably not the most efficient or sensible way, but this seems to work:

$ git log <filepath> | grep Author: | cut -d' ' -f2- | uniq | head -n5

This is assuming you actually want the last 5 authors , irrespective of how many commits each of them might have made. If you just want the last 5 commits then git log alone can be used:

$ git log -5 <filepath>

git shortlog 做你想要的:

git shortlog -sne <filename>


git log filename

You can play around with the log output (see man git-log) to get just the info you want.

I found this useful to display the last 5 authors of a single file

git log -n 5 --pretty='format:%an' -- path/to/file

-n <number> - number of commits (in this case authors) to be displayed

--pretty='format:%an' - display only the author name

I'm using

 gitk filename


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